Crop Circle UFO in Indonesia Sleman 2011

Coat Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) who scandalize the people of Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. located in the region flanked by rice fields of three hills. This area is also quite far from the settlement residents.

"The terrain deserted because of the vast expanse of rice fields, most only one or two houses there. Flanked by three hills namely Mount Suru, Candi Abang, and Mount Bangkel, "said one local resident, Pradhita Revelation, told AFP on Monday (1/24/2011).

Because a considerable distance from these residents, not many people who know the process of forming a strange circle diameter is 70 meters. But a little boy could see a vortex of a tornado that formed this strange circle.

The experts had examined the formation of crop circles forming in rice fields flanked by hills. Some experts also concluded that the crop circle at the site caught the hills caused by a tornado.

Physicist from the University of Michigan, USA, Deloris Smith, said that the tornado is the main reason that caused the strange circle. Through his research he found that a large number of strange circles in wheat field that appeared on the mountainside, where a place like this is an easy place to form a tornado.

If true tornado that 'draw' circle strange in Sleman, whether a tornado can create a symmetrical circle? Until now scientists have not found the answer.

Previously reported, the citizens of Sleman, Yogyakarta, shocked by the signs that appear mysteriously in the rice field after the winds. Locals believe the giant ring-shaped mark it as the landing of the aircraft 'UFO' from another planet.

The symbol is a circle 70 meters in diameter. In the middle circle there is a symbol of the mysterious giant. The sign is formed by a stretch of rice that fell after the high winds.

Police also confirmed the emergence of a mysterious symbol 'UFO'is. Police even had to capture these rare events.


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Updated 2011 by paoLo andRes

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